

Comrades Lodge meets 3rd Monday in January, February, March, April, May, September, October. & November. Visitors are always welcome. Meetings start promptly at 1800hrs, except Installations which begins promptly at 1730hrs. Please contact the Secretary for further details.

Lodge of Instruction

Lodge of Instruction and Rehearsals are performed with the view to improving the ceremonies held on Lodge evenings, but in a more relaxed environment. Time has proved that these events are invaluable to Officers progressing through to the chair and are strongly encouraged to all.

Lodge of Instruction (LOI) is held on most Mondays within a year, the exceptions being Lodge evenings, Lodge of Rehearsal (LOR) when it falls on a Bank Holiday. Both LOI and LOR are heldat St. Giles Masonic Centre.

Any qualified member of the Lodge can attend these events. Visitors are very welcome, but will need to prove themselves and be qualified for the practice - please contact the Secretary or DC prior to attending.. For directions and information please call the Secretary or the DC.

See Diary for a wider events list